Brian D'Arcy The Best of Brian


Code 9781786052049

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Since he emerged as the new face of the Irish Catholic Church in the 1970s, Passionist priest Fr Brian D'Arcy has consistently embodied the evolving views of ‘Catholic Ireland’ towards the clerical Church. Such outspokenness and fearless, though always well-meaning, has regularly drawn the displeasure of the Vatican. All the while, however, his wisdom, compassion and humour has retained its appeal to people of all religions and none. Indeed, for some, Fr Brian remains the only link with the Catholic Church that most in Ireland were born into. The Best of Brian is a collection of the best writing from this popular priest, interspersed with new material from the last three years. As he heads towards his eighties, Fr Brian D’Arcy’s wisdom has never been so timely.

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