An extraordinary tale about an ordinary boy in a world of heroes ... Kid Normal is a fast-paced, humorous adventure with likeable heroes and a suitably ridiculous, evil villain * Times Educational Supplement *
So funny, it's almost criminal ... A fun and fast-paced read * Independent I *
Outrageous capers ... Amusingly surreal super-powers and a trust yourself message combine to strong effect with Erica Salcedo's entertaining, huge-eyed images * Guardian *
A superhero story with a twist * National Geographic Kids *
Packed with very amusing asides, it's a fun and fast-paced read that will make James and Smith into children's heroes * Western Mail *
Chock full of slapstick humour, outrageous characters and pop culture references. It mocks school pecking orders and will make all kids who have fallen foul of them feel much better about it. And somehow, it ties all the mania together in a credible and thrilling story * The Bookbag *
A superlative adventure story that will resonate with children who like to read whacky, wild things * Books Monthly *
This spoof superhero epic certainly delivers: deliciously dastardly villains, capes, tights and mild-mannered heroes. Yet it also explores familiar school anxieties that everyone else is smarter, stronger, better * BookTrust *
A very promising start to a laugh-out-loud funny adventure series * Parents in Touch *
Incredibly funny, witty and stuffed full of heart * Book Lover Jo *
...this phenomenal book is perfect for anyone in doubt or any one who is thirsty for adventure and it's perfect for any age. Just remember, if in doubt, there's always a silver lining to every cloud -- Erica, age 11 * LoveReading4Kids *
This book was pretty funny, the main character gets enrolled in superhero school but he has no super powers. I enjoyed the way the book was written it kept me wanting to read more with a bit of mystery and some great humour! -- Caolan, age 9 * Toppsta *
I would rate this book a million out of 10, probably the best book I've read this year -- Josh, age 10 * Toppsta *